Razuna reports

Now available: Enhanced Razuna Reports

We are thrilled to share the latest update in Razuna's features - the release of our new and improved reports. This update is designed to give you even deeper insight into how your digital files are used. The revamped reports comprehensively summarize your digital asset management system's performance, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

We have categorized the reports into sections to allow your users to access the necessary information more effortlessly. Each section provides specific details, such as the number of downloads, views, and shares of your files, the most popular files, and who's using them. Each report section shows the data based on specific criteria, such as date range, file type, and user activity.

With these new reports, you can easily track your digital assets' usage, monitor your team's activity, and make informed decisions to optimize your workflow.

We also implemented a new DAM feature that allows users to access a "User Activity" section. This section provides users with an in-depth analysis of every action that has taken place on their DAM. Users can filter the activity logs by specific actions or areas of the platform to better understand how their DAM is being used. This feature is designed to help users keep track of the activity on their DAM and identify any potential issues or errors that may arise.

We hope you enjoy using our new reports and that they provide valuable insights into your digital asset management system.
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Request to add detailed report data in Razuna such as info on uploaded files, views on assets, and downloads.

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