How to share a folder

If you want to share a folder with others, Razuna offers two straightforward options. The first method is to create a shareable link for the folder. This link can then be sent to anyone you want to share the folder with. They can then access the folder by simply clicking on the link.

The second method is to assign team and user permissions to the folder. When you grant permissions to a team or individual user, the folder will appear in their "Shared with me" section. This method is useful when you want to collaborate with others on a project or share files in a controlled manner. Also, this is the only way to share a folder within a workspace without giving the user access to the workspace itself.

Please note that this method only works if the users you grant access to have a Razuna account. So, if you're collaborating with someone who doesn't have a Razuna account, you'll need to create a shareable link instead.

Razuna files and folder shared with you

Sharing a folder in Razuna is a straightforward process. To start, navigate to the Razuna folder view and locate the folder you want to share. Once you have found the folder, click the 3-dot icon to reveal the folder settings panel.

In the folder settings panel, you will see an option to share the folder with other users. Select this option, and add one or multiple users to the folder. You can choose to add users individually or in bulk. 

Once you have added the user(s) you want to share the folder with, you can assign the permission level you want each user to have. Razuna provides different permission levels for reading-only, upload and download, and full access. You can assign a different permission level for each user based on their requirements.

It's important to note that when you share a folder with someone, they can view and access all its files. Therefore, it's essential to choose the proper permission level for each user to ensure the security of your files. Once you have assigned the permissions, click the 'share' button, and the folder will be shared with the selected users.

Razuna - share any folder

Last updated on Feb. 25th